Thursday, May 28, 2020

Food for Thought

Food for Thought I come across some really great material from other peoples blogs and want to point you in their direction so that you can perhaps find something helpful to you. But lets set the tone right. This morning I woke up to an e-mail from a blog post (I subscribe to a few blogs via e-mail, as its what is easiest for me right now you can subscribe to this blog via e-mail see the upper right corner of your screen ;)) by Scot Herrick check this out (I added the bolding): So, I work for a (large) company. I have some pride in what the company does and the innovation they keep. But the pride is tempered with the fact that the management team could — and would — lay me off in a heartbeat if they thought that it would help with achieving goals and objectives for the corporation. (read the rest here) Thank you Scott, for my wake-up call this morning. Too true and anyone that thinks that all that pride, team spirit and we care about you and family environment talk will preclude you from getting a pink slip, well, your time will come. Mine did, right from the king of were a family company. With that goals and objectives for the corporation line in mind, here are three other blog series that you should be following this month: Dave Perry author of Guerrilla Marketing for Job Hunters Ive found Dave to be a very intelligent communicator. Ive read through a free download that he has on his website, and since I signed up he sends me little snippets from his book regularly these are meat-packed e-mails, part clever, part common-sense, always intriguing and applicable. The series you need to follow (were on day 3) is the 12 days of Xmas Job Hunting, and will cover the following (trust me it is well worth the time to read each day, as lots of thought has gone into each of these): 12 Bloggers Blogging 11 ways to find a job 10 Super Motivators 9 Nine Tools for Leads 8 Un-written Rules 7 Social Networks 6 tools to download 5 Golden Rules 4 Guerrilla style resumes The 3 R’s of job-hunting 2 strategies for the hidden job market, and A plan with a very clear goal Carl Chapman many of you know that Carl is a buddy of mine, and a fellow-blogger. But if you havent been reading Carls stuff you are missing out. He is a recruiter by trade, and a very intelligent guy. He has learned a lot about many things and through his blog shares information to help job seekers and recruiters alike. Carl has a series called 10 Ways to Make Recruiters Love You trust me this is a must-read for everyone (hes only up to the 4th post as of right now). Confidentiality Credibility Accuracy Consideration Consistency Follow-Up Preparation Respect Communication Information David Maister blogs on varied subjects for professionals I find it to be fascinating reading. Yesterday I listened to a podcast, part of a series on Career Planning, and found it to be quite interesting. Its about 12+ minutes but he talks about stuff that I dont what to do if you dont know what you want to do! Not sure why I dont cover that stuff, I have always known what I want to do, but I continually hear others that dont know where to start! Anyway, this is a great listen. Here are the others he has posted to his site: Its Not How Good You Are, But How Much You Want It Real Professionalism Are You Having Fun Yet? David Maister interviews John Byrne, Executive Editor of BusinessWeek No Regrets There you go I hope it adds to your experience and helps you formulate your own career management strategy! Food for Thought I come across some really great material from other peoples blogs and want to point you in their direction so that you can perhaps find something helpful to you. But lets set the tone right. This morning I woke up to an e-mail from a blog post (I subscribe to a few blogs via e-mail, as its what is easiest for me right now you can subscribe to this blog via e-mail see the upper right corner of your screen ;)) by Scot Herrick check this out (I added the bolding): So, I work for a (large) company. I have some pride in what the company does and the innovation they keep. But the pride is tempered with the fact that the management team could — and would — lay me off in a heartbeat if they thought that it would help with achieving goals and objectives for the corporation. (read the rest here) Thank you Scott, for my wake-up call this morning. Too true and anyone that thinks that all that pride, team spirit and we care about you and family environment talk will preclude you from getting a pink slip, well, your time will come. Mine did, right from the king of were a family company. With that goals and objectives for the corporation line in mind, here are three other blog series that you should be following this month: Dave Perry author of Guerrilla Marketing for Job Hunters Ive found Dave to be a very intelligent communicator. Ive read through a free download that he has on his website, and since I signed up he sends me little snippets from his book regularly these are meat-packed e-mails, part clever, part common-sense, always intriguing and applicable. The series you need to follow (were on day 3) is the 12 days of Xmas Job Hunting, and will cover the following (trust me it is well worth the time to read each day, as lots of thought has gone into each of these): 12 Bloggers Blogging 11 ways to find a job 10 Super Motivators 9 Nine Tools for Leads 8 Un-written Rules 7 Social Networks 6 tools to download 5 Golden Rules 4 Guerrilla style resumes The 3 R’s of job-hunting 2 strategies for the hidden job market, and A plan with a very clear goal Carl Chapman many of you know that Carl is a buddy of mine, and a fellow-blogger. But if you havent been reading Carls stuff you are missing out. He is a recruiter by trade, and a very intelligent guy. He has learned a lot about many things and through his blog shares information to help job seekers and recruiters alike. Carl has a series called 10 Ways to Make Recruiters Love You trust me this is a must-read for everyone (hes only up to the 4th post as of right now). Confidentiality Credibility Accuracy Consideration Consistency Follow-Up Preparation Respect Communication Information David Maister blogs on varied subjects for professionals I find it to be fascinating reading. Yesterday I listened to a podcast, part of a series on Career Planning, and found it to be quite interesting. Its about 12+ minutes but he talks about stuff that I dont what to do if you dont know what you want to do! Not sure why I dont cover that stuff, I have always known what I want to do, but I continually hear others that dont know where to start! Anyway, this is a great listen. Here are the others he has posted to his site: Its Not How Good You Are, But How Much You Want It Real Professionalism Are You Having Fun Yet? David Maister interviews John Byrne, Executive Editor of BusinessWeek No Regrets There you go I hope it adds to your experience and helps you formulate your own career management strategy!

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